2012 WSOP Tweets Of Day 22
June 18, 2012 1:59 pmHere are a selection of the top tweets coming from Day 22 of the 2012 WSOP in Las Vegas:
Terrence Chan
Out KK<85o. I’m not f**king kidding.
Josh Brikis
And a beat to bubble when the money will b in about a half hour. I love playing 12 hours to bubble Aj to kq blind vs blind j flop
Shane Schleger
Can we please stop using the verb “rape” to describe the act of beating someone in a poker hand? It’s ridiculous. (cc @TWKftw)
Vanessa Selbst
RT @Maridu: 103degrees yesterday, 104 today. It’s supposed to be 110 on tuesday. The night breeze is like a dragon farting in your face. …
Phill Hellmuth
15 left in WSOP 10K buy in HORSE tourney. Ave chips 356K, I have 571K. Knock knock knock #WSOP13, let me in!!
Doyle Brunson
At the.emergency room because my blood pressure went sky high. No Horse tournament tonight:-(
Pamela Brunson
RT @ItsThingsInLife: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Todd Brunson
Right after I got knocked out a guy walks up to me and asks if my dad is playing the horse. No. Has he been here playing at all? Yes……..Then he says “well I haven’t seen him”. Now what am I supposed to say to that? Ok you caught me in a lie? That’s cause he’s invisible? WTF?
Matthew Glantz
Everyday is the same in Vegas. …. #PlanesTrams&Wheelbarrows
Andy Foster
Guy opens bb is thinking and dealers drops the deck and spills cards everywhere….. looks at bb and says please fold so I don’t lose my job
Daniel Negreanu
@EugeneKatchalov win this one and I’ll name my son Eugene. If its a girl, we’ll go with Katcha
Jason Mercier
I have the best seat in the horse..
Erik Seidel
Busted 13th in the 2-7, now in search of pain meds and bad food..I have to overrule my tilted self + grab a great meal instead
Matt Matros
Wow 107.9 plays Prince then Nirvana then Billy Joel? Only explanation, they know I’m driving home #trackingmyfiat #itsarental #butiwouldbuy1