2 Months, 2 Million: 'Coaching The Young Guns'
September 25, 2009 10:45 amEpisode six got off to a high octane start with the boys gearing themselves up for the week ahead by tearing up the Nevada desert on dune buggies. Patel decided to skip the experience as he said he “didn’t want to get sand in his eyes,” and Roberts, not content with his colleague’s excuse, got his buggy stuck in the sand while trying to spray Patel with dust.
Outside of playing poker, Jay Rosenkrantz makes a good side living as a poker coach and this week organised a boot camp for four young talents which he hoped might help re-focus his own team’s skills. The guys then gave the house a much needed clean up before their guests arrived and introduced themselves.
The boot campers each invested $2,500 of their own money to be coached by the 2M2M team and comprised Harry “UgotaBanana” Kaczka (18) from New York who was making more money than both his parents, Dave”NLsoldier” Schnettler already a winning player who needed the boys advice to plug some leaks in his play, while Wladimir “Insyder19” Taschner and Ben “pokiethepanda” Middleton travelled from Germany and England respectively to profit from the household’s coaching. Wladimir was currently reeling from a $100,000 downswing in his game.
The young proteges then played online while being shadowed by their mentors who later reviewed their hand histories and overall performance. They then sat at the computer together and took it in turns to play and observe each other’s play.
That night saw the group head out to Blush nightclub at the Wynn and have fun with some girls at the club while underage Kaczka had to remain behind in the bus and entertain himself with some girls the guys considerately sent out to keep him company.
The final day of training saw the 2M2M team playing online together and all posting winning sessions while the students looked on and learnt. The final test was a heads-up elimination tournament with one student and one instructor on each team. Rosenkrantz and Middleton were the eventual losers and for their penalty stunt were made to look like conjoined twins and tout for donations along the Las Vegas strip while holding a ‘Donate 2 Separate’ placard and hula-hooping. Stern was once more doing his bit for the gang and lining up a group of beautiful girls for future dates.
An episode full of entertainment and fun if short on actual poker coverage itself, proved profitable for the team who banked a total of $106,000 for the week and $141,100 for the show so far. The individual figures equated to Rosenkrantz $29,100, Roberts $32,500, Patel $17,900 and Stern $26,500.