Top Poker Tweets Of The Week: JR Bellande's Backer Loses It
December 6, 2013 12:13 pmHere is a selection of some of the top poker tweets coming from the pros over the past week:
Jean-Robert Bellande
“Following tonight’s loss, I received this text from my backer. Can’t possibly describe how i’m feeling..
JRB: No big pots. Just haven’t won any
Backer: Jesus Christ
JRB: Lost 24,200
Backer: How does this keep happening? I have to think you’re not playing your best.”
Griff Woodman
“@BrokeLivingJRB does he not realize that is your best?? You are the fish in those big games”
Brandon Waalen
“@STACKNupYOchips @GFW2GFW2 @BrokeLivingJRB I agree. Stop the haterade just because you wish you could play those games gfw.”
Jeff Gross
“Wow @MagicAntonio gets punished by @jeffgordonweb while we are playing a friendly game at #ariapoker with @PhilLaak !! 5s full for @Jeffgordonweb over @MagicAntonio flush.. Beautiful!!! #ariapoker” (photo)
Gavin Smith
“Playing at table with @MagicAntonio I am convinced his lifetime prop bet winnings exceed his poker winnings #wizard”
Christian Harder
“Montreal—> Vegas..walking to our seats on the plane, a cute french-candian girl asks @Jake11291 if he’s single. jake goes silent. Then her boyfriend/husband corrects her and says “she means by yourself”…. Unlucky Jake! #lostintranslation”
Terrence Chan
“Actually kinda digging the sub-zero temperatures in Vegas this morning.”
Bryan Devonshire
“I’d rather see the game not go than start it at a $2 rake.” -@ameristarbh poker room manager on this below zero snow day. Customers pissed..We were 3 handed with 3 more on the way. He insisted on a $3 rake, we wanted $1 until more players, then we gave him his wish. No game.”
Allen Bari
“Trying 2 get in really good shape before new years.. that way when people tell me their resolution is working out I can judge them.”
Sorel Mizzi
“I expected more from you @AirCanada hidden baggage fees r the oldest trick in zee book..I hate that I can never use @aircanada again on principle . I only had 1 bag this is standard!! . @AirCanada you should NOT attach ur name to such a fair and just country when you’re going to b unfair and milk $28 from me…@aircanada you just stooped to @easyJet s level.”
Dan Martin
“First rule of strip clubs… Don’t order 18 year old scotch @CarlosMockngton”