Top Poker Tweets: Royal Flush Boys, Best & Worst of Times
December 21, 2015 12:21 pmHere are a selection of some of the best poker tweets coming from your favorite pros over the past week:
The Best of Times
Daniel Negreanu
“2015 marks the 5th consecutive year I’ve topped $1.5 million in tourney cashes and the 9th time over a million. One tourney left: Alpha 8!.. [later] 3rd place for $640k to finish off the year in style.”
Lacey Jones
“Whoaaa I won the Uber lottery! Got the Tesla!”
Doyle Brunson
“My bride of 53 years. I was really lucky to get her.”
Dan O’Brien
“Talking fed rate hikes with @MattGlantz and @daniel_shak made me miss Wall Street for about four minutes. Thanks guys, was fun. #nostalgia”
Jason Mercier
“Ripped off a nice 60k win on stars in a 20 min session at Prague Airport before taking off. I’ll be in Vegas soon to blast the 100k #LETSGO”
The Worst of Times
Bertrand Grospellier
“And snap busted the #FPSEnghien HighRoller again on a cooler to end my worst poker year ever. Good time for a break. FeelsBadMan #sosick”
Antonio Esfandiari
“For the first time in my life, living in the USA as a US citizen, I feel that discrimination against me is on the horizon. Please help me in telling Congress to STOP HR158 a bill that would create two American classes. I LOVE this country and I will fight for my RIGHTS. @stopHR158”
Sam Trickett
“U know ur mates done his bollocks in the Pitts when he gets comped better seats than Leonardo Di caprio”
Mike McDonald
“Today I learned selfies can be taken w.o touching your screen. I am well on my way to becoming someone I hate”
Royal Flush Girls v Boys
Andrew Barber
“If I ever make a WPT FT, I don’t want the Royal Flush Girls in any photos. I’d rather have them manage the company and play the tournament.”
Matt Glantz
“this is the most ingenious subtle way of coming out of the closet I have seen. #congratsandrew”
Christopher George
“@abarber1 why is everyone hating on the rf girls now?”
HMan (photo)
“NO to Royal Flush girls!
What? Royal Flush Boys?
– @catehall
@RealKidPoker @jaredjaffee21
Maria Ho
“@RealKidPoker says if him and I get heads up in #SharkCage final then bring on the shots!”
Jimmy Fricke
“Sitting in the wpt stands watching @professorben and a lady says “excuse me, did you used to play poker?” #storychecksout”
Daniel Cates
“what are the point of chip updates? it seems to me investors shouldn’t care about anything other than result and quality of investment.. obvious but can’t understand why so many do it… as if there is value in saying things itself”
Beat The Fish
“Ever wonder what @TexDolly @RealKidPoker and @MagicAntonio might looks like as zombies?“