Top Poker Tweets From The Pros; Mercier Buys Boat
December 23, 2013 10:47 amHere are a selection of some of the best poker tweets coming from your favorite pros over the past week:
Antonio Esfandiari
“Having @jasonstrauss as a homie DEFINITELY has its perks 🙂 #HappyBDAYtoME (35)..When I say we closed down @MarqueeLV I meant it. #Literally”
Jimmy Fricke
“Is there anyone more lovable in poker than Chau Giang? The answer is no btw. Best thing about playing with Chau is after he says something incomprehensible I can just say “you said it, Chau” and it’s always funny.”
Jason Mercier
“Bought this monster today… 35 footer. 3rd biggest purchase of my life #AnotherDayAtTheOffice..This whole flies floats or f**** thing only applies to people who don’t know how to manage their $$$ and relationships #TrueBallersHaveItAll..That being said… I don’t have it all… Very far away from owning my own plane… Boat is phase 1 though. My tires are completely pumped!”
Bryan Devonshire
“I get why old guys are so tight. The older you get, the more variance sucks. I still think my generation of old guys will be LAGtards tho.”
Matt Savage
“Yesterday I slept 12 hours and today I slept 3. #BackOnTrack”
Phil Hellmuth
“Went to bed in the dark at 4:30 AM, woke up in the dark at 6:00 PM: no daylight! #NocturnalPokerPlayer”
Lacey Jones
“Is watching someone you love while they sleep borderline stalker-ish? #feelinggrateful”
Daniel Negreanu
“Since I got back from Prague the only time I’ve left my house is to go to the gym 2 min down the road. I LOVE BEING HOME!”
Gavin Smith
“sitting down @InfinitiPoker come and get some, i am what @MagicAntonio calls a POW, pay off wizard!”
Shannon Shorr
“Out of #WPTPrague. Played pretty badly in year’s final event. Chilling for two days in Prague then back to United States on Saturday…The @MAGNETICfest has me convinced Czech Republic has 2nd most beautiful women in the world. (#1: Sweden)”