Top Poker Tweets: Negreanu v Polk Rake Debate
October 24, 2016 11:55 amHere is a selection of some of the top tweets coming from your favorite pros over the past few days:
Negreanu v Polk Rake Debate
Doug Polk
“My response to @realkidpoker’s claim that higher rake is better for the poker ecosystem”
Daniel Negreanu
“@Sentin9 @DougPolkPoker @Joeingram1 my contract may suggest otherwise, but I’ve never been muzzled in any instance over the last 10 years.”
“@RealKidPoker @DougPolkPoker and of course they wont muzzle u, u say what they want so… And wheres the big positive change you hid behind?
“@DougPolkPoker @RealKidPoker @YouTube thanks for coming out public and stand against this liar”
Daniel Negreanu
“@Lea316Luiz not sure that’s fair. I’ve told exactly zero lies in regards to this issue although I chose sloppy phrasing for sure.”
Daniel Cates
“@DougPolkPoker @RealKidPoker … doesn’t that mean that fish are squeezed now by top pros AND the rake? how is this better for the fish?”
Ruben Diaz
“@DougPolkPoker @RealKidPoker @YouTube dope video, Daniel just play poker and collect ur Pokerstar Pro cheque ! #CompanyMan”
Melanie Weisner (photo)
“Best massages and photobombers on the circuit. @888poker”
Jamie Kerstetter
“Hard to figure out which WSOPs I’ve already seen when every episode is kassouf repeating same 5 lines on loop”
Allen Kessler
“Is this mustang really only $25k brand new? Forget trying to win one, I’ll just buy one!”
Todd Brunson
“Started to quit to lock up my ninth win straight. Played one more round and lost with trips twice. Small loss.”
Doyle Brunson
“All u guys that are tweeting me about the election being contested and corruption is impossible are nuts. JFK stole the election for sure.”
Daniel Cates
“re: @philivey case… so, I guess players are not allowed to win? Seems they can take card counters to court too. Gives “rigged” new meaning”
Mike Matusow
“Wow such a great article all POKER PLAYERS must READ!!!”