Absolute Poker & UB Site Shut Down By FBI
April 18, 2011 9:49 amUS online poker players are still in a state of disbelief after the FBI decided to shut down the four biggest online poker rooms servicing the majority of the 15 million US players believed to have continued gambling online contrary to the 2006 UIGEA legislation.
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Last Friday, the domains PokerStars.com, FullTiltPoker.com, UB.com and Absolute Poker were seized by US authorities with arrest warrants issued on some of the companies’ senior executives.
Focusing on the fate of CEREUS Network sites UB.com and Absolute Poker, company founders Scott Tom and Brent Beckley have been named in the indictments and each face up to 30 years in jail on conspiracy, illegal gambling and money laundering related charges. They are currently based in Costa Rica.
Following the lead of PokerStars and Full Tilt, the companies, too, have now switched to alternate domains UBPoker.eu and AbsolutePoker.eu.
According to news source pokernewsdaily, however, both Absolute Poker and UB have continued to allow US players to play on their sites, although they will be unable to either deposit, withdraw, or transfer their funds from the site for the time being. Furthermore, these poker rooms will not allow any new US players to register with them.
US customers of Absolute Poker and UB have obviously become concerned as to the status of the money still remaining in their accounts, especially with the FBI already seeking at least $3 billion in penalties between the four poker rooms.
However, one TwoPlusTwo forum poster who managed to get in touch with the companies’ customer support team seemed optimistic his money was safe and wrote:
“Withdraws and Deposits are suspended temporarily because they need to find new payment processors. VIP Support is telling me they are working on it, but the show will go on.”
In the meantime, American Team UB pros, such as Eric “basebaldy” Baldwin, Prahlad Friedman, Tiffany Michelle and Maria Ho still appear on the UBPoker.eu web page. UB pro Joe Sebok even took time out on his Twitter account to try and lighten the mood of consternation which has descended on the US online poker community and wrote:
“In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy.” He then apparently went off and watched the film “Point Break.”