PPA Mark Black Friday With "Never Fold" Campaign

In an effort to raise awareness concerning the impact of Black Friday on the US poker community, the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) has launched a new campaign called “Never Fold.”
With a rallying cry of “never fold in the fight for America’s greatest card game,” the advocacy group is now encouraging players to contact their congressmen and voice their frustrations over the situation. As the PPA explains:
“The Players Will Never Fold brings the community together with united voices to correct the injustices of the past year. The actions outlined below will take only a few minutes of your time. By taking part, you are joining countless other poker players and enthusiasts across the country in showing your support of the PPA’s ongoing efforts to protect players and establish favorable laws.”
For those players wishing to add their support to the campaign, the PPA’s website can be found here at http://theppa.org/ In addition to the campaign, the PPA are also encouraging players to join the one million members strong group via the PPA website, as well as further supporting the online poker cause by donating money to the “Never Fold Money Bomb” fund.
The Poker Players Alliance (PPA) is a nonprofit Interest group which was founded in 2005. The organisation also has former New York Senator Alfonse D’Amato as its chairman, who summed up the PPA’s mission as to establish “a legitimate house, a fair game, and a fair operator, and not take away from 20-plus-million citizens who play poker the opportunity to play poker on the Internet.”

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