EPL Finalist 'Chino' Rheem's Alleged Victims Now Include Tom Dwan, Cheong And Lamb

Since Will “molswi47” Molson wrote his piece entitled ‘Chino Rheem SCUM’ on the TwoPlusTwo forum this week, there has been a whole slew of other pros now coming forward to relate their own alleged David “Chino” Rheem scamming stories.
As well as the number of pros now revealed to have a grievance with Rheem, another factor helping to fan the flames of discontent is the fact the Californian has now reached the final table of 6 at the inaugural Epic Poker League in Las Vegas.
With all the remaining players guaranteed a minimum $107,980 and $1 million awaiting the eventual winner, this has all come as rather unwelcome publicity for the newly formed EPL with Tony Dunst ironically commenting:
“Over/under on the amount of people that walk @Chinorheem to the cage after the Epic Poker event finishes?”
Online poster ‘kk405’ had a somewhat harsher point to make and wrote:
“It would really be an Epic  start for the league. Someone who owes lots of players money and may have scammed many, end up being their first champion.”
So far the list of David “Chino” Rheem’s alleged victims include Will “molswi47” Molson ($40k), Tom “durrrr” Dwan, 2011 WSOP November Niner Ben Lamb, and 2010 WSOP November Niner Joseph Cheong ($40k), who posted the following:
“I also don’t want anyone else getting scammed so I’ll say this: he has also scammed me for $40k and I know others in the same spot. The poker world is full of borrowing and lending money, so when a well-known player comes to you with believable collateral, it’s hard not to lend money. For me, the collateral he offered was that he had a piece of the Grinder at the WSOP Main Event last summer. The Grinder confirmed this for me. But clearly it was offered to multiple people and I never saw a dime back.”
With more and more players coming forward to tell their own David “Chino” Rheem stories, EPL committee member Mike “Timex” McDonald even felt compelled to issue the following  statement, an extract from which read:
“..people who are poor representatives of the game of poker will not last very long in this league and the EPL will publicly ‘out’ people who are kicked out of the league rather than simply tell them not to show up and keep it hush-hush.”
In the meantime, the final table commences today at 2pm Vegas time, and will be viewed with great interest by the poker community, and not just for all the right reasons.

Other news:   WSOP.com reportedly expanding player pool to Michigan

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