WSOP 2013: Top Poker Tweets Of The Week
July 8, 2013 1:07 pmHere are a selection of some of the top tweets coming from the World Series Of Poker over the past week:
Faraz Jaka
“@carriehubbard whaaaatttt da fawwwwk! I know your in media n shit but quit photoshopping me girl!” [see photo]
Doyle Brunson
“I see where @RealKidPoker is in the final 2 in the triple draw. I should have got him to write that chapter in SS2..Oh wait, he did write the chapter on triple draw for SS2:-). #@RealKidPoker”
Daniel Negreanu
“Appollo Creed’s entrance to fight Drago in Rocky IV reminds me of @phil_hellmuth entrances to the main event each year!”
Phil Hellmuth
“Deal! Sold my fav sunglasses (Ray Bans) to Luke “Full Flush” Schwartz for $500 & 1% of himself (120k worth $300) but he busted next hand!”
Todd Brunson
“My god. I play so bad I should be beaten worse than Rodney king and forced to sit thru an Annie duke poker camp.”
Andy Bloch
“Only the old guys at my table are wearing sunglasses, but they have to take them off every hand to see the flop & bets.”
Justin Bonomo
“Moved to new table with @PhilGalfond and no one that looks over 30. Wtf?”
Shaun Deeb
“Was just told by my Russian opp in open face all Russians think I’m autistic says its meant as a compliment.”
Evelyn Ng
“It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.”
Gavin Griffin
“Having the worst night of sleep I’ve had this year, which is impressive since I have a 7 month old son who doesn’t sleep through the night.”
Jonathan Little
“Luckily for me, online poker went about as poorly as possible. I am hopefully owed a TON of equity in the main event tomorrow.”