Top Poker Tweets Of The Week
September 10, 2013 2:22 pmHere are a selection of some of the top poker tweets coming from the pros over the past week:
Daniel Negreanu
“WOW! Just found out I am #1 on the @GlobalPokerIndx I can’t believe it! So happy and in shock. Wow wow wow!!! Very proud right now!”
Jason Mercier
“Yo @RealKidPoker I know you’re #1 on @GlobalPokerIndx now and all.. But how long u think u can hold me back? Ept London around the corner.”
“@JasonMercier @RealKidPoker u guys are great competition & tweet interesting things while @philivey just stays tweetin about crappy fb poker.”
Phil Ivey
“Watching the games and playing the beta version of @iveypoker on Facebook! Come play with me and the other Ivey pros right now.”
Andrew Teng
“#eptlive. what would happen if daniel posted his sb and took a (short) walk, but also took his chair with him? hand still live?”
Traci Szymanski
“What starts with a hammer and a horseshoe and ends with a cage, a bull and barefoot?!? @TiffnyMichelle LOL!!!!!! (see photo)
Jean-Robert Bellande
“Perhaps my gayest moment ever. Floor seats at the Backstreet Boys concert. Flip side..10:1 ratio and 3/4 guys prolly gay. #brokebackstreet”
Gavin Smith
“Had a chunk of a back molar fall out any dentists in Vegas wanna pull the sucker out so it doesn’t hurt anymore in exchange of poker talk?”
Doyle Brunson
“Vegetarian is an old Indian word for Bad Hunter!…LOL wonder what vegan means?”
Rafe Furst
“None of us will ever be truly free until Zopittybop-bop-bop is free. Free Zopittybop-bop-bop now!!!”
Kara Scott
“I think I have repetitive strain injury from @PlantsvsZombies 2. Also side-note, I’ve lost a week somewhere so if you find it, let me know.”
Joe Hachem
“So, I asked my wife where she would like to go for a holiday, a non work trip, just the 2 of us. Her response “Vegas baby Vegas”