Top Poker Tweets From The Pros: Ivey's Fun Year, Negreanu's Oneness
January 6, 2015 1:50 pmHere are a selection of some of the best poker tweets coming from your favorite pros over the past week:
Phil Ivey (photo)
“Gonna be a fun year.”
Daniel Negreanu
“Leaving Toronto for Bahamas to play two tourneys, the $100k and the main event. I intend to win both and play in the zone throughout.. I believe many young players hurt themselves by thinking too long which ultimately takes them out of “the zone” and away from oneness.. As Phil Jackson points out, the zone is achieved when you stop thinking and trust that all the practice will lead you down the right path..”
Todd Brunson
“Just saw the gambler w marky mark. The good news: was the best new movie I’ve seen this year!! The bad news: one of the worst of all times.”
Andy Bloch
“Elvis Aron Presley is my 42nd cousin 14 times removed. Happy 80th birthday cousin!”
Bryan Micon
“Not related to the police discussion this is my 2nd most epic selfie of 2014 CC: @RealJamesWoods @phil_hellmuth” (
Phil Hellmuth
“Hmmm…Didn’t know that Doctors glue your skin together when you cut yourself. I Cut myself while preparing fresh Mango, and got Glued!”
Todd Brunson
“A group of mentally handicapped kids come to lazer tag. The manager comes to me and is furious saying the jap is following them around… Shooting them. The jap denies it then we see his score is triple everyone else’s. He then says they were asking him to shoot them…Lol. Wtf”
Gavin Smith
A guy staying in my house is in a brawl with his GF, he is trying to escape and his car won’t start! That is a bad beat!!!
Dan Smith
“Hypothesis: there is a correlation between having weak spatial reasoning and having a strong poker mind #ormaybeimjuststupid”
Jeremy Ausmus
“Hanging curtains should be adopted as a prisoner of war torture technique”
Jonathan Duhamel
“Bye bye freezing cold Montreal, hello Paradise Island, Bahamas! #PCA2015”