Poker Pros Weigh In On Israel's Gaza Offensive
July 31, 2014 5:50 pmAfter Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip in 2005, Israel and Gaza have been locked in a cycle of violence the most recent example being the current conflict taking place in the region which started on July 8, 2014. Termed Operation Protective Edge, the conflict has evoked strong reactions from a number of pros in the poker community, and here are a selection of some of those tweets:
Daniel Negreanu
“For the record Im 100% pro-Israel defending themselves against terrorist groups like Hamas and you aren’t going to change my mind on twitter.. One question I leave you with: who is a bigger threat to the world, Hamas or the Israeli army? Which group do you fear more? I stand for peace and unity. I stand FOR a cease fire. I stand for justice. I stand WITH those who want the same.”
Phillip Colins
“Obviously, @RealKidPoker is an idiot for 100% supporting a country that uses White Phosphorus on civilians.”
Russ Boyd
“This is worth a listen. “We are all living in Israel. It’s just that some of us haven’t realized it yet.””
Doyle Brunson
“What would you do if someone was raining missiles on your land and your people?#.. just wondering If they are hiding in civilians homes, what would you do?”
Yuval Bronshtein
“@TexDolly @elielezra1 @wiredz @chattahlaw much respect for asking a question which pro-Palestinians aren’t capable of answering, Doyle.”
Eric Wasserson
“Let’s fire rockets into a country then use children as shields when that country fires back so ignorant Americans will tweet for us!”-Hamas.”
Sam Grafton
“Obama the Nobel Peace Prize winner – U.S. Gives Israel More Grenades and Mortar Rounds for Gaza Offensive | Reuters UN: shelling of Gaza school a disgrace to the world.”
Bryan Micon
“I follow @ShaimaZiara & @ThisIsGaZa to see pictures & attitudes from inside Gaza. IMO without a secular shift, Gaza doomed to same cycles.”
Michael Mizrachi
“Let’s Please…All Pray for World Peace !! And def to all the innocent people….Please Stop the War!!”
Pocket Rockets
“I want to take a pause from tweeting about my poker goals and give a shout out to @TheGrinder44 for calling for peace in the Middle East.”