Phil Ivey A "F***ing Piece Of S**t" According To Mike Matusow
June 10, 2011 7:48 amMike “The Mouth” Matusow, along with Tony G, are two of the most outspoken pros on the poker circuit.
Therefore, it has come as little surprise that the two outlandish personalities have weighed in the most heavily on the whole Phil Ivey/Full Tilt lawsuit situation.
What is more surprising, however, would seem to be the intensity of animosity that they have directed at Phil Ivey, which has reached a new level of hostility.
Whereas many in the poker community accept Phil Ivey’s explanation to sue Full Tilt in connection with ‘unsettled player accounts’ and ‘damages caused to his name and reputation,’ Matusow and Tony G see altogether more sinister forces at work.
Conspiracy theories which have been floated around include filing a lawsuit so as to deliberately scupper any potential business deals by Full Tilt to raise capital to repay owed funds to US players. This would then lower the value of the poker room so that Ivey with potential buyers could later repurchase the company at a knock-down price.
Whereas Tony G went as far as to describe Ivey as the ‘the first rat to jump off the sinking ship,’ Mike Matusow, too, had some harsh words to describe Ivey. Recently doing an interview on the ‘Hardcore Poker Show,’ Matusow had this to say about Ivey:
“People understand what’s going on. At first they didn’t get it, they all thought Phil Ivey was their hero, but now they realize he’s a fucking piece of shit …Phil Ivey doesn’t give a shit about you, me or anyone else. He is a cutthroat gambler and couldn’t care less.”
As to Ivey’s motivations behind the lawsuit, Matusow was uncharacteristically coy, but offered the following explanation:
“Everybody can see right through it, the real reason behind the lawsuit is pretty obvious. I don’t want to get into it at all, but it’s a pretty self-centered act from a self-centered person who made anywhere between $50 million and $100 million over the past five years into his own pockets, so you know, good luck to him. He’s trying to take people down with him.”
There is no question that both Tony G and Mike Matusow create a lot of interest in the poker world through their outlandish behaviour and opinions. However, this time it would seem they may have over stepped the mark by levelling their criticism of the whole Full Tilt fiasco on Ivey’s shoulders.
After all, Ivey wasn’t responsible for the company mixing the players and operational funds, or refusing a potential deal with the US authorities which could have facilitated the return of U.S. players money.
At the very least, their comments may make for some interesting encounters next time the players find themselves sitting around the table playing poker with the object of their hostility, Phil Ivey.