Jason Mercier and Doug Polk Have Heated Exchange
May 24, 2016 3:03 pmDoug Polk is one of poker’s most outspoken pros, and while over the years he has called out high-profile players whenever he doesn’t agree with their views, other see his attacks as an attempt at “attention whoring”. Case in point, during the recent PokerStars 2016 SCOOP series, Polk decided to aim one of his barbs at Jason Mercier, and tweeted the following message:
“If anyone is interested in purchasing some @JasonMercier action in the 21k hu at 95c tweet at me.”
Polk made his comment ahead of SCOOP Event #49-H: $21k NLHE HU High-Roller, with the 28 year-old NLHE specialist doing a good job of antagonizing Mercier by offering a discount on his action, and implying he had no confidence in Mercier’s ability to compete in the event.
In actual fact, the controversy seems to have started a few hours earlier after Mercier posted the following message with Polk in mind:
“Ppl keep telling me that @dougpolkpoker has me pegged as a bad reg… Stick to ur NLH “online only” cash games bud. I’ll stick to every… Other form of poker. Oh and we can cross live NL tourneys when u like. You and your whole crew of live mtt donators @dougpolkpoker”
Mercier’s girlfriend even posted a photo of Mercier looking quite amused by the whole affair, and soon after Polk tweeted a challenge to the Team PokerStars Pro to compete against him in some heads up 8-game, to which Mercier tweeted:
“would love for u to join the games. Live or online. We are all waiting for you.”
As far as SCOOP Event #49-H is concerned, however, Mercier unregistered for the tournament as he said that was too busy 8 tabling at other events, while Doug “WCG|Rider” Polk finished 8th in the 32 player tournament, and walked away with $41,000 in prize money.