PokerStars Beats Largest Online Guinness Record
December 28, 2009 4:46 pmNot to long ago we told you that PokerStars was trying to beat the current world record for the largest online tournament ever. To attract players to the tourney PokerStars advertised the tourney but the big attraction was the low buyin of only $1 dollar and the $300,000 dollar guaranteed prize pool.
So did they make it well when registration was over there was a new record in the Guinness Book of World Records. In all there were 149,196 players in the event on Sunday, more then twice the amount of the original record. This was a great advantage for the players in the game because it created a $150,804 dollar overlay that PokerStars had to pay.
I’m sure they were hoping for more players but in the end they got their new record and winner was ‘Oskar69’ took $50,000 dollars for his first place finish after only six hours of play. New members at PokerStars can get a bonus on their first deposit up to $600 dollars.