Hot Tables arrive at partypoker
March 11, 2021 8:13 pm
They are getting a leg up on spring at partypoker by warming things up early with their new Hot Tables promotion.
Through Hot Tables partypoker players that take part in cash games and fastforward poker can win up to an extra $500 from winning pots.
Hot Tables is available to players at all no-limit hold’dm and pot-limit Omaha cash games with stakes between $0.05/$0.10 and $0.50/$1. Each day thousands of tables at these limits will randomly be selected as a Hot Table for a hand. During this hand partypoker will add between one and 500 big blinds to the pot, which will end up going to the winner of the hand.
For the mathematically challenged here’s how the Hot Tables prize structuring works for tables with different stakes. For tables with $0.05/$0.10 stakes the minimum prize is $0.10 and the maximum prize is $50. For tables with $0.10/$0.25 stakes the minimum prize is $0.25 and the maximum prize is $125. For tables with $0.25/$0.50 stakes the minimum prize is $0.50 and the maximum prize is $250. And finally, for tables with $0.50/$1 stakes the minimum prize is $1 and the maximum prize is $500.
You don’t need to opt-in to take part in the Hot Tables promotion. If you play any cash tables with stakes that are eligible under the promotions rules you automatically have the chance for your table to be randomly selected as a Hot Table.
The addition of the Hot Tables promotion has led to the removal of cash game leaderboards at these stakes. Since Hot Tables are randomly awarded it is available to more tables than leaderboard promotions, which usually reward high volume players, while cutting out those people that don’t have the time to grind it out at multiple tables for hours a day.