Danish Poker Player Cheating Online Over a Decade Wins Millions
December 11, 2014 1:18 pmA breaking scandal threatens to shake the foundations of the online poker world, after recent news reports suggest a 32-year old Danish online player may have conned his opponents out of millions of dollars over more than a decade of cheating. On December 9th, Danish police commander Torben Koldborg Frederiksen confirmed a well-known Danish high-stakes player was currently being investigated for apparently installing backdoor Trojans on a number of computers, which then allowed him to gain access and view the hole cards of his opponent’s whilst gambling for thousands of dollars at a time.
“I can confirm that we have received a review of that person and that it is tens of millions,” commented Copenhagen Police commissioner Frederiksen.
While the police investigation will not reveal the person’s identity until charges are filed, the TwoPlusTwo forums have not shied away from accusing certain players by name, including a former EPT champion who attended the 2012 EPT Berlin and the 2013 EPT Barcelona when a number of hacking attempts were reported. At the 2013 EPT Barcelona, for instance, Finnish pro Jens Kyllönen had his laptop stolen then returned to his hotel room with a Trojan installed, while Romanaian high roller Ignat Liviu and US pro Scott Seiver (2012 EPT Berlin) also experienced a similar incident.
According to highstakesdb, one of the Danish cheats other victims became suspicious after returning home to find his computer had been restarted. As the article continues; “Suspicious, he then checked his home surveillance system, only to find that it had been shut off for around 15 minutes earlier that evening.”
While details of the ongoing investigation by the Danish Department of Economical Fraud are sketchy for now, there are allegations that the cheat may have received assistance from a helper within the Danish police force itself, who was a specialist in creating trojans to “spy on the computer activity of suspected criminals.”