Poker Playing Robber Killed During Card Game Shootout
November 11, 2010 8:06 amAnderson County, South Carolina was the scene of a dramatic shootout which ended in tragedy, after a losing card player pulled a gun on his opponent’s during a game of poker.
Jermaine LaCroy Scott, 34, and five other men were playing five-card draw poker in a vacant auto accessories business at the Commerce Industrial Center near Delaware Road when, as the Anderson sheriff’s office explains:
“In an attempt to recover lost money and to rob the other players in the game, Scott pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the other players.”
Jermaine LaCroy Scott was not the only person around the table with a gun, however, and one of the players who held a concealed weapon permit exchanged fire with his would be assailant.
Jermaine LaCroy Scott was hit several times in the ensuing shootout, while one of the other players was incidentally wounded in the melee.
Describing the incident, the sheriff’s spokesman commented:
“Approximately 6:57 a.m. this morning a deputy was leaving roll call after a shift change and…was flagged down about a possible shooting at this business. When the deputy arrived on scene he discovered that there had been two people, two men that had been shot and he called for EMS. EMS transported the two victims to AnMed.”
The would be robber died of his wounds at around 10 a.m., while the injured player who was trying to get out of the way during the shootout, suffered a shot to the hand.
The shooting has since been determined as an act of self-defense, and no charges are being filed for either the death of Scott or the low stakes gambling game, which led to the tragic incident.