Jungleman12 Extends Lead To $1.2 Million In Durrrr Challenge

Daniel “jungleman12” Cates and Tom “durrrr” Dwan returned to Full Tilt’s virtual felts on Friday to resume their Durrrr Challenge 2.
Tom Dwan has had a hard time finding any traction in their ongoing battle which began in August last year and has languished behind in their match since the 3,000th hand of their challenge was played.
Unfortunately for Dwan their last session only compounded his woes further and he now founds himself stuck a total of $1,211,530 million with 18,236 hands completed of their 50,000 hand Durrrr Challenge.
The duos latest session involved a relatively short 780 hands of $200/$400 NL spread across four tables at the end of which Jungleman12 walked away with a size-able $270,453 profit. 
The exciting session even produced a monster pot worth $127,000, after Daniel “jungleman12” Cates was dealt 8s-7s to Dwan’s 5h-6h. On the button Dwan ($75,995) raised to $1,200 only to be re-raised to $4,400 by Cates.
With the flop falling 6c-7h-5s the players then got into a raising war resulting in all the money being pushed to the centre of the table with two cards to come. Despite agreeing to run the hand twice, Cates won both times first with a J-J turn and river and then having turned a straight on the next round with a 9s to scoop the massive pot.
Despite Dwan later securing a $117,587 pot, Jungleman12 then took the third biggest pot of the night worth $105,994 to seal his win. In the hand Cates’ Qh-Qc held up twice against Dwan’s Ah-Kc.
Apparently Dwan was also sitting on an airplane when he commenced Friday’s Durrrr Challenge 2, which it seemed was ultimately responsible for ending their session. As the match was drawn to a conclusion, Tom Dwan typed to Jungleman12:
durrrr: dont think i should play more
jungleman12: ok
durrrr: getting shakier + little turbulence
durrrr: err intnet shakier i mean
jungleman12: yeah, thought shakier= turbulence
durrrr: heh both
durrrr: prolly go together somewhat not sure
durrrr: neway txt ya later if im awake enough to play might jus sleep tho gg
jungleman12: ok gg

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