High-Stakes Poker Robbers Were Regulars In Home Game
March 9, 2011 9:20 amFollowing the robbery of a high-stakes poker game in Louisville on February 17th, two regulars in the game have been charged with eight counts of robbery.
Last month, Glenn Ubelhor was holding one of his weekly poker games at his home in Vineleaf Drive, Louisville with a total of ten men in attendance. As Dawn Gwin, one of the players robbed explains:
“We’ve gotten together with the same group of people for a couple of years if not more.”
However, on this particular occasion thing took a turn for the worse after armed robbers entered Glenn Ubelhor’s basement door and proceeded to rob the players of around $8,000 in cash.
“Thirty minutes into the game, we just look up and I noticed a masked gunman walking into the room. At first, I thought it was a joke, but quickly realized that it wasn’t,” said Eric Ivey, another of the players present.
In total, three masked men entered the basement and executed their heist, with one man holding the players at gunpoint, another blocking the exit while the third man relieved the victims of their valuables.
After the gunmen fled the scene of the crime, the players soon began to suspect the robbery was an inside job and before long the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
Apparently, a fourth man in the game by the name of Enrique Gamarra was the decoy who alerted his accomplices as to an optimal time to steal the money. Subsequently, Ronald D. Walter, 34, Michael B. McTier, 30, and a third man burst in and made off with the loot.
Three of the men are now under lock and key and admitted their part in the poker robbery after two handguns and a bag of marijuana were found in a search of their apartments.
Reflecting back on the worrying incident, Eric Ivey commented: “It makes you realize the inherent dangers of playing at home games. It really does.”
Ivey also added; “So that was one of the most unfortunate [effects] of all of this. People who would typically be friends were questioning each other’s integrity. So it’s a huge relief that we have found out who has caused this.”