Hacker Steals $140k From Lock Poker Account
September 18, 2012 11:34 amIt would appear high stakes pro “MicahJ” has just become the latest player to fall prey to an online poker scam after having his Lock Poker account, whose username was “GimmeDAT,” cleared of over $100,000 of his funds.
Apparently, the devastating hack scam seems to have been two-fold and involved transferring $54k of MicahJ’s money to the scammer’s account, while also chip dumping a further $80,000 playing Omaha 8-or-better against a regular on Lock Poker. Nevertheless, when news of the scam hit the TwoPlusTwo forum, the recipient of the $80k known as FWHITNEYDOH, was quick to deny any knowledge of the scam and has since had his Lock Poker account unfrozen on the site.
In order to gain access to his victim’s account, the hacker called ‘highgrind22’ contacted MicahJ offering to buy some of his Lock Poker funds, and sent him a screenshot of his bank account to confirm he had the cash to complete the transaction. However, unbeknownst to MicahJ, it was in fact an .exe file possibly complete with a keylogger program which then accessed all sensitive information on his computer. Explaining what subsequently transpired, MicahJ wrote:
“The hacker had access to my account for 3 days. The first couple days he made small transfers out of my account, and played and lost small amounts (no more than 10-15k)..However, on the third night, he transferred significantly more (a majority of the 54k) and also lost ~80-90k playing 25/50 plo8 on the same night.”
Unfortunately, MicahJ said he did not notice anything was amiss until the third day by which time it was too late. Meanwhile, another TwoPlusTwo member called “TyTy” has said he had received text message from the alleged scammer in which he admits to having stolen the funds from MicahJ and losing $80K over an 8-hour stretch playing Omaha.
Since the incident, MicahJ has been advised to use another computer to change all his passwords and to sweep his original PC clean. Meanwhile, Lock Poker has said it was currently investigating the incident.