Full Tilt Now Posting On TwoPlusTwo Forum
August 29, 2011 8:04 amThis weekend, one of the principal attorneys representing Full Tilt Poker, Jeff Ifrah, took the unprecedented move of opening an account on the TwoPlusTwo forum, in order to better address some of the concerns of disenchanted FTP customers.
Despite posting a total of 33 times on his first day at the forum, Jeff Ifrah’s responses did little to reassure the frustrated forum members, with one poster writing:
“Can you tell us either something we don’t already know or anything that we might find useful that may help us? Realistically if you cant provide either of the above then we may be wasting each others time.”
Aside from Jeff Ifrah’s standard responses and generalities, certain pieces of information did come to light of some interest. These included the following statements made by Ifrah:
– Ray Bitar is still currently the CEO of Full Tilt, but in the event of a deal will likely be replaced. “This will be driven by the investor and also by the regulator.”
– Without players first being paid there can be no deal, and so far he is “not aware of a satisfactory deal that has been offered and rejected.”
– “The company is focused on showing significant progress to Alderney [by Sept. 15th]…the hearing may have a chance of being resolved or delayed if progress regarding the investor can be demonstrated.”
And finally, – “The company was unable to say anything for the past eight week due to a confidentiality agreement. Now it is ready and willing to make up for that silence. The idea of separately timed statements is to make sure the statement is clear and concise instead of overloaded with information. I hope that once the statements are out this will become more evident.”
These “separately timed statements” will include news related to the staus of present negotiations, the asset seizures by law officials and the deposit discrepancy issue.
In the meantime, this is not the first time the company has issued an announcement about an upcoming announcement, which later failed to shed much light on anything. If Ifrah fails to illuminate matters further then he may find his already lukewarm reception at TwoPlusTwo even more hostile in the coming days.