Full Tilt Gaming To Replace Full Tilt Poker

Full Tilt Gaming To Replace Full Tilt PokerFull Tilt Poker’s parent company, the Rational Group, has confirmed that the poker site is now planning on launching casino games alongside its poker product as it seeks to diversify into the online gambling industry. As part of its re-branding, Full Tilt said it intends to drop the word “Poker” from its brand name and possibly become Full Tilt Gaming or a similar type name, instead.
Following the announcement, the Rational Group release a statement, stating: “The new games on Full Tilt will provide more options with the same high-quality player experience, integrity, security, safety, and support that players have come to expect from our brands. PokerStars will continue to offer a poker-only experience.”
The latest news has been received with surprise by the online poker industry as the site was originally branded as a poker network, and in the past Full Tilt Poker was considered a pioneer of the industry with its top of the range software, and its popular action game Rush Poker.
Speculation on the reasons behind the move, includes helping Full Tilt to facilitate entry into the U.S. market and then being able to swiftly offer casino gaming to its customers, with any site offering just poker likely to suffer from a competitive disadvantage.
Nevertheless, while some Full Tilt customers seem ok with the bold move to add casino games, others have questioned the effect it will have on the health of its poker offering. When poker “fish” go on tilt, for instance, their money is often filtered quickly through the poker ecology, but it may now simply end up in the pockets of the site as a player tries to quickly win his money back at the casino. Therefore, players in future may now be tempted to simply keep less sizable balances at Full Tilt once the casino product is released.

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